so all exams are finito, summer hols is on the doorstep, yesterday was a day of 18degrees today is 14 plus rain! slept till 1130 and it sure was wonderful nice. got godhet later on today which will be good.
ive shown this video before but it is so wicked that ill put in on again.enjoy
my friend onkel steinar introduced me to this piece of beauty as a break in my incredible interesting endauverment(speling?) in organisating touristing groups etc
this is me at the thought of going back to reading after pretty pics and tune
stuck with revising in one of my financial modules, budgeting numbers adding and all that nittygrittyness.bored.ive eveen been invited to go see one of thelocals play jazzyness and cant because of least ive got a cuppa tea, sweets, music and the interweb.
ive finally gottn my bike back(or my mums that is) its proper classic black, with a red handle on the back, basket on the front and with "tourist" written on it. heres a piccie..its the black one in the back, and one in sepia jsut cause i liked it =)
so today i went by bike to the foodplace and it took me no more than 3minits forth and back (+the time in the shop) instead of 20minits.very good, and summery shiny too.
its the time of revising, or starting to read a module which you havent spent the rest of the year studying and getting fresh at it 1week before the end exam.wohei.its called budgeting - and thats the name of ethe exam not my tactics. economic and financial studies.hooray.i love these days.
today i sat with 2 gals from my class whom i havent spoken with that much ever ever before, actually ive onoy spoken to one of them twice, today and yesterday.what a progress.theres 80 in our hotel - division so theres no way you get to know all but its right cool to get to know some new faces. though i think i asked where she lived 3 times..oh dear..
i dont have much photos from the wedding unfortunately cause i didnt take alot..i always forget. and at the moment my mac is packed with no memory left so you cant see them yet, instead heres a photo of me when one night all the lights turned sepia, it was abit freaky..
this is a picture of a picture, but its of me and Jess whom i love so much and miss so much too. you are in my heart and my memories and prayers. you are beautiful and cheeky and hillarious. i cant wait too see you again me lovely duck
i have no idea if anybody is actually reading my posts, but i guess if anyone did they have stopped now that i avnt posted since march.
things have happened lots and lots.been to wedding in sheffield KATE and DAN COOPER and it was amazing, they were so beautiful, the day was great, the sun was out, many many lovely people and happy hearts all around. going to the wedding also meant that i got to see various people over the week which was a true are all hillarious and lovely. a few things happened over the days: * i got locked outside the house and had to run to church on my socs to get help as keys, phone and money where on the other side of the door, and nobody was home to help me. * i went to starbucks to get a coffee on me way home, and people were doing alpha in there - meaning i got to see loads of people in one go. * i bought to dresses to wear for wedding (not to wear both at same time - but too choose from) but then found another red in freshmanns from the 70s and had that one instead - yeyj. * the coached took a leak and came under the seat i was sitting in, it was horrifying, but worse on the guy next to me as he had taken his shoes off * i got introduced to more exciting music. * ive drank lots of coffee * ive seen people i avnt seen in 5-6years * ive slept like a baby on bus and plane - and it was right good too * ive talked to random people * ive got a bag full of cherries
every day you see things and hear things and notice things and they may make you smile, chuckle, upset you or make you stumble in your own thinking.but when it comes to describing it in written or saying so afterwards, you sometimes feel you loose the flavour or the happening cause in it self it was brittle, but so beautiful and strange.
like a man drinking from a pinapple can on the underground, having brought a canopener and only had the floor to help him open it like people lafing loud in the street like busdrivers being very funny and behaving in a way you didnt think they would do as they are busdrivers only thinking about the road and signs and ... like getting confused in the coffeplace and having the tillman rescue ther day with a cappucino like seing the ray of sun shining in dust windows like seing familiar places but unfamiliar people like reading a book in the airport and laf aloud like there being played classic music in the bus-waiting hall and all you can do is smile smile smile like getting waydirections from a girl in the waiting hall and then after a straight ahed-turn right-and up the stairway, have to go back and just wait for the bus like buying magazines you were never planning to read like buying music just because you liked the cover, and when you got home you didnt like it at all like jumping down stairways and making endless cups of teas like pretty dresses and funky shoes like chocolatefountains and greens in teeth like like like blue skies, grey skies, rain and clouds like noticing a mistake i did last time i was over when travelling, and then doing it again thinking i must remember not to do this next time
i am sehr happy.i found a video on net that i will share with you. c2c bringing it on!
how good are they!and the music is classic!
+ can someone giive me help with finding a famous person or nots so famous person with first name being bob? thanks
heres a pic of what i look like when i wear my blue shades