its been a while, got 3 xams comin up and am not too thrilled about it..first un is economics this friday, then math on next thursday and then psycology in managment within bizniz and organizations the following monday, and in between a hand in on the latter xam,terrific time.but Gods doing his things so am not so very much allowed to say im gonna die..cause if ive asked him to keep me head up i cant walk about again and again and again saying its gonna go horrid all over the place...yes
this is my xam face (taken in me red beautiful best chair in the world, tucked in a duvey thingy and lovely canada beanie on me head... and heater right next to me but you cant see it :D
does my nose look big in this?
i recently got randi tytingvågs newest and its so fantastic beautiful remarkable,so its the album of the week..let go let go let go( actually its only one time) just so you dont go can i have this artist wiv let go let go let go...they might give u a strange look...or maybe they´ll do that neway :D
a friend said to be today,...do you know that you are abit strange....and i said yes and it makes life better ( in norska direkte øvesatt ikje i det heila tatt: ja og eg leve vel med det )
and finish wiv how tante keeps saying, theres a 5-year old in all of us.so true..keep it real
words are sometimes abit funny and names too, but ive been told my name in full cept for my last name means peace and love !!! neat id say
so therefore signing of today wiv that in mind
peace & love (...cave)...